The Paramount Hotel is an ADA compliant hotel, meeting the requirements for the Americans with Disabilities Act. Reception area offers accessible check in. Passageways and elevators throughout the property are wheelchair accessible. We offer six ADA guest rooms designed for wheelchair accessibility and hearing loss with an additional three rooms for guests with hearing loss only. Portable sight and hearing devices are also available. 

Hotel / Public Area

  • Main entrance is accessible
  • Pathways to registration desk is accessible and check in
  • Meeting Spaces, Fitness Center + Business Center are all accessible
  • Restaurant + Bar are both accessible 
  • Visual alarms for people with hearing loss in public areas and hallways
  • ADA service animals are welcomed

Guest Rooms

  • 32 inch wide doors
  • Lowered light switches, thermostats and peepholes
  • Visual alarms and notifications devices for the doorbell + telephones
  • Roll-in showers and grab bars in bathrooms
  • Wide pocket doors in bathrooms
  • Closed-caption televisions

View Our Six ADA Guest Rooms